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Rubblemate 1150 x 700mm

Item Code: 182210374

Rubblemate 1150 x 700mm
  • Rubblemate 1150 x 700mm
  • Rubblemate 1150 x 700mm

£14.09Ex VAT£16.91 Inc VAT
Click & CollectAvailable for collection
DeliveryFree delivery available (restrictions apply)
Rubble-Mate is a handy builder's tool, allowing rubble bags to be filled quickly and efficiently. Simply pop inside a rubble bag to temporarily make it a bin.


  • Easily fill any bag up to 800x550mm
  • Convert any refuse sack into a handy bin
  • Helps protect valuable rubble bags from damage while filling
  • Can be reused thousands of times
  • Turns floppy rubble sacks into rigid containers
  • Easy to load with awkward-shaped refuse
Data Sheets
Conversion & Materials Calculator

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