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EVO-STIK Mould Resistant Wall Tile Adhesive & Grout White

EVO-STIK Mould Resistant Wall Tile Adhesive & Grout White

Prices from

£10.52Ex VAT£12.62 Inc VAT
EVO-STIK Mould Resistant Wall Tile Adhesive & Grout is an easy-to-use, ready-mixed wall tile adhesive and grout for all sizes of ceramic tiles, which fixes the tiles in place as well as sealing them.

This mould resistant grout and adhesive has good waterproof properties, which make it ideal for use in kitchen and bathroom areas subject to frequent and prolonged wetting, including domestic shower walls. It is suitable for fixing onto most internal surfaces, including plaster, plasterboard, glazed tiles, brick, cement renders and tile backer boards. 

The high strength formula of EVO-STIK's mould proof grout and adhesive sets in 24 hours. This 1L tub covers approx. 0.8m² dependent on tile size and substrate and grouts up to 6m² per kg.
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Supplier Website https://www.bostik.co.uk
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